Perfect stranger sessions are for singles ort for those wanting to find a new friend in general. You must be 18+ to qualify for either kind of session. Please note the session alone is free however any extra activities such as going bowling with snacks, or arcade etc. must be covered by you alone if you so choose within survey or by you and other person being introduced. This information will be provided to you if you are indeed chosen for session. If you are chosen you will be asked are you still okay with doing session , upon answering yes you will receive a second questionnaire.

Please note for any sessions you must have had a Covid test within the past week before session. For more intimate sessions you also must show record of being free of anything in which can be passed to other person via touch and or saliva ( if any kissing will be involved). We want all couples to find a natural comfort and if an actual relationship comes from it all or a second date were all about you all sharing your experience.